Many of you know me because of my craft blog or my food blog, or perhaps from my Kaboose days, or maybe even as far back as However, I go back even farther than that, to a time where I worked 40 hours per week in general accounting from the northern suburbs of Chicago. It’s true, I haven’t always been a work at home mom and crafty entrepreneur! I got up every morning and drove the hour to work each day along with thousands of other commuters clutching their coffee mugs and holding their steering wheels.
Recently I had the opportunity to leave my quiet country setting north of the Illinois border and head down to my old stomping grounds. That’s right, the very town I spent so many years commuting to.. Northbrook, Illinois. I made the treck to visit the offices of Prime Publishing, more widely known as It was great to get out and meet the faces behind the successful company that I’ve worked with over the last year or so. I’ve posted all about the visit and the company over on my Craft Gossip blog. Stop by, won’t you?